Tips for New Bloggers

Friday, January 16, 2009

Update on Little Miley

4 days old
9 months old

Time really flies. I remember when I was expecting little Miley, I was having terrible nausea. The nausea feeling really make me sick and sleep all the time. Most of the time I need to take medical leave from my employer. Anyway that's like a year and half ago. Now my little Miley is about 10 months old by this 25th Jan. She is crawling and learning to stand. So this is the time I really need to watch her closely. Whenever she sees food, she would say mum-mum or nen-nen... that's the first two words from her..


LaoZhaBor says... said...

very beautiful little princess...
very tasty satay tooooooo.......
hi,laozhabor here with new blog
Help me to inform all my fans,can?!!!!please.............
........I LOVE YOU..........

Anonymous said...

yes it does,,eventually Miley will be in college and graduating ,,hehhehe